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Is there kombucha in Antarctica?


Is there kombucha in Antarctica?

Happy Feet Dance GIF

It recently hit me that I had no idea who owned Antarctica.

If youā€™re wondering, the answer is nobody.

Instead, the 54 countries who have now signed on to the 1959 Antarctic Treaty have designated it a ā€œcontinent devoted to peace and science.ā€

Itā€™s a bummer how unbelievable this sounds.

Even more unbelievable is that this was signed during the Cold War. By the USA and USSR. The irony of the word ā€˜coldā€™ here is not lost on me.

Cold War Tensions GIF by Team Kennedy

We were building unimaginable arsenals of nuclear weapons and somehow had the foresight to come together and agree that the big block of ice was for science.

Donā€™t get me wrong, this is awesome.

But it kind of feels like we should just say the other six continents are devoted to peace and science too.

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Speaking of science: the KOMBU

Some silicon valley folks are having a nice week as their auto Kombucha machine has slammed through its Kickstarter goal.

I have to say, I LOVE kombucha. Have for a long time.

I have made kombucha.

It wasā€¦ okay.

I am genuinely interested in this device, and if I had counter space to dedicate to it, I would totally buy one.

If you want, you have about one week left to back the booch.

Kombucha No But GIF

I am heading out of town for a few weeks, so these emails may be slow.

Donā€™t worry, weā€™ll be back with plenty of regularly scheduled nounsense soon.

be good


Freedom Ireland GIF by USA Kilts